Faces of Pee Dee

Carole loves her son, John.

He was born terribly handicapped and she has “given him her life.” For the last 36 years she has fed him, bathed him, brushed his teeth and changed his diapers. She knows what he wants intuitively since he can’t talk. She can’t stand the thought of putting him in a home for those with special needs.

John is the baby God gave Carole and her late husband, Powell. They believed they were given John for a reason. Carole was angry with God at one time and didn’t under- stand why this was allowed to happen to her only son. She says that her honest questioning has brought her closer to God. She now sees that “things” don’t matter. It’s our “memories” that are important.

Her son has taught her trust and unconditional love. She doesn’t dwell on what John could have been or think she’s done anything special.